Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How goeth the voting and such?

Yes! Ant has gotten 210 subscribers to his YouTube channel! After he gained 200, he said that he will be doing a mini-gig of about 5-6 songs for everyone. So the link for that will be up when he finishes it.

Also, he's got 83 votes on NME so far....but we need more, more, more!! For those of you who've already voted, you're awesome! Anyone else, well I'm sure you're awesome but you could always add to you're total awesomeness by supporting Mr. Hill in his musical pursuit!

So people, please keep hitting those subscribe and vote buttons! Lets get his YouTube subscribers to like, 300! and NME votes to the end of the day. Ok so not by the end of the day, the week. There you go, I'm giving you all some leeway here. Go help this talented lad!

We really do hate begging!

p.s. it's not shameless self promotion, it's fun!

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