Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New fan art and layout

Hey guys,

So there have been some updates. First of all one of our fellow Ant fans has made some cool graphics, which are now up in the fan art section of the gallery. Thanks Linsay Marie, and if I may say so myself, they are pretty nifty.

Also, my good friend Audra helped me last night and we have a new header up along with a new color scheme! Comment and tell us what you think, we would love to have some feedback.

It seems Ant is on hiatus for a few days due to a family engagement, so enjoy your time waiting for him to come back :).



Anonymous said...

so, really kat.
this audra person...tsk
you are better than her


Anonymous said...

i love the new layout!!! the header is pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

yes audra im not gonna argue with you...i may be better than her
but im also more lazy than her lol